Workplace Accident Investigations
Do you need an independent investigation conducted in reference to a workmen’s compensation claim?
Do you need a neutral, 3rd party investigator to help you analyze why a workplace accident occurred?
Has an employee filed a work comp claim due to an accident on the job and you need to pursue who else or what else may have been equally at fault?
Why initiate a workplace accident investigation?

- meet all legal requirements that you investigate all accidents
- prevent future incidents and accidents
- identify and eliminate hazards
- process worker compensation claims
- maintain employee morale
- fulfill any legal requirements
- determine the cost of an accident
- determine compliance with applicable safety regulations
Gateway Investigations has conducted successful investigations of workplace accidents and workplace-related fatalities. Our clients include insurers, law firms, and major corporations.
Gateway Investigations can provide a workplace accident investigation by someone experienced in accident causation, experienced in investigative techniques, fully knowledgeable of the work processes, procedures, persons, and industrial relations environment of a particular situation.
We can promptly respond to an accident site and help you obtain photos, a video canvass, witness statements and canvass and other services in helping you conduct a full-scale accident reconstruction under tight timelines.
Workplace accident investigations require the need to identify, locate, and interview witnesses; obtain statements and documents; secure evidence; and present clear and compelling reports and testimony.
Our workplace accident investigation services deploy the appropriate resources for every phase of the investigation, with experienced and qualified field investigators.
Complex accident investigations require a qualified specialist. The technical knowledge required to recreate a motor vehicle crash, for example, may rely on analysis of brake failure, roadway safety, and maintenance records.
We can help you determine:
What is an accident and should it be investigated?
Who should do the accident investigating?
What should be looked at as the cause of an accident?
Material Cause Failure
- Was there an equipment failure?
- What caused it to fail?
- Was the machinery poorly designed?
- Were hazardous substances involved?
- Were they clearly identified?
- Was a less hazardous alternative substance possible and available?
- Was the raw material substandard in some way?
- Should personal protective equipment (PPE) have been used?
- Was the PPE used?
- Were users of PPE properly trained?
Environmental Issues
- What were the weather conditions?
- Was poor housekeeping a problem?
- Was it too hot or too cold?
- Was noise a problem?
- Was there adequate light?
- Were toxic or hazardous gases, dusts, or fumes present?
- Were workers experienced in the work being done?
- Had they been adequately trained?
- Can they physically do the work?
- What was the status of their health?
- Were they tired?
- Were they under stress (work or personal)?
- Were safety rules communicated to and understood by all employees?
- Were written procedures and orientation available?
- Were they being enforced?
- Was there adequate supervision?
- Were workers trained to do the work?
- Had hazards been previously identified?
- Had procedures been developed to overcome them?
- Were unsafe conditions corrected?
- Was regular maintenance of equipment carried out?
- Were regular safety inspections carried out?

This model of a workplace accident investigation provides a guide for uncovering all possible causes and reduces the likelihood of looking at facts in isolation. Some investigators may prefer to place some of the sample questions in different categories; however, the categories are not important, as long as each pertinent question is asked. Obviously there is considerable overlap between categories; this reflects the situation in real life.
Again it should be emphasized that the above sample questions do not make up a complete checklist, but are examples only.
And finally, our workplace accident investigation final report will include:
Injured workers(s) and witness statements
Collection of Physical Evidence
Pursuing Background Information
Making an analysis and conclusions
A comprehensive final written report
At Gateway Investigations, we have conducted hundreds of workplace accident investigations and can provide you with a sample final report showing what you would be getting for your money.
At Gateway Investigations, we have the experience necessary to successfully conclude every workplace accident investigation, including cases that may require criminal prosecution and coordination with law enforcement officials.
Call or email us for a free consultation at 314-238-1367 or