Corporate Investigations

Gateway Investigations has the experience you need in conducting an extensive corporate investigation or corporate investigation itemized service.
Some of the areas in which we can help your company include:
- Corporate Fraud Investigation
- Trade Secret Protection (Is somebody downloading company secrets or emailing them off to someone?)
- Employee Theft (Do you need a discreet 3rd party P.I. firm to install hidden cameras or engage in undercover employee monitoring?)
- Sexual Harassment Claims (This can often involve secretly recording conversations or video monitoring meeting rooms, offices, break rooms, etc…)
- Accident Investigations
- Workplace Violence
- Competitive Intelligence (Do you need an undercover “customer” sting conducted on one of your competitors?)
- Intellectual Property Theft
- Trademark or Patent Infringement
- Counterfeit Merchandise
Cybersquatting (We can assist you with the process of filing a Uniform Domain Name Resolution)
- Security Assessments
- Contractor Theft (This often involves Job Site Surveillance)
- Executive Vetting (We can conduct an extensive background check and/or find out what your potential hire’s former associates are saying about him/her.)
- Pre-employment Background Checks
- Undercover Operations
- Electronic Surveillance
- Brand Protection

All successful companies face threats from any variety of angles. Much of the time, an executive doesn’t know who to trust and thus has turn to a neutral, outside P.I. firm to help coordinate a discreet corporate investigation.
No matter what the nature of your concern is and no matter what the threat level facing your company is, Gateway Investigations can provide highly qualified investigators with the necessary skills and experience to solve your specific problem.
More often than not, many of the above listed services that we provide require an in-depth corporate investigation consultation that leads to a coordinated sting effort to help get you the answers --- When you Need to Know!
We have the experience necessary to successfully conclude every corporate investigation, including cases that may require criminal prosecution and coordination with law enforcement officials.
Call or email us for a free consultation at 314-238-1367 or [email protected].