GPS Tracking Surveillance

Are you interested in where your significant other or child is going when you’re out of town or at work?
Do you need to know where a vehicle you own or lease is going at any time?
Are you interested to know how FAST a vehicle has been going when you loan it out?
Do you want to know where your employees are going when they’re out in the field?
GPS tracking is an easy and affordable way to monitor a person, vehicle or asset. With extremely minimal effort, you can know where they are, where they've been, where they're going and how fast they're traveling.
At Gateway Investigations, our GPS Tracking Surveillance services include:
- the installation and removal of the GPS tracking device from your vehicle or asset;
- the daily monitoring and reporting of the GPS tracking device’s movement on your vehicle or asset (with extensive reporting available for every 10 seconds the device is in motion to lesser reporting of every time the device begins to move and/or stops moving, etc…)
- the ability of one of our surveillance investigators to be on call in the event your vehicle or asset moves, and then initiate Infidelity Surveillance, Family Surveillance or Divorce / Child Custody Surveillance.
Please check out our RATE INFORMATION page to determine the GPS Tracking Surveillance plan that is best for you.
What's legal and what's not in the world of GPS?
For starters, it's entirely legal to use a GPS tracking device on any vehicle or asset you own.
Before you use a GPS tracking device on someone else's person, vehicle or property, you should do a little research on current federal, state and local laws or contact us for a free consultation at 314-238-1367 or [email protected].
Many states (like Missouri) have no statutes for someone placing a GPS tracking device on any vehicle. Other states (like Illinois) have recently made it a misdemeanor for someone to place a GPS device on a vehicle that they do not own or lease themselves.
The Supreme Court has ruled that law-enforcement GPS tracking requires a warrant.
It's generally legal to use a GPS tracking device in Missouri if:
- You or your organization own the vehicle
- You or your company do not own the vehicle, but you place the GPS device on the outside of the car – under the rear bumper, for example
- The vehicle is visible to the public – in a public parking lot or on a public street, for example
- You could obtain the same location or travel information by physically trailing the vehicle
- The vehicle is not situated on someone else’s private property
It's generally illegal to use a GPS tracking device in Missouri if:
- You need to break into the vehicle to situate the device
- You need to physically hard-wire the device inside the vehicle
- The vehicle is in a place where its owner has a reasonable expectation of privacy – in a private garage, for example
You should know that the laws governing GPS tracking by government agents, police or private citizens are not definitive.
The Fourth Amendment and other state and federal laws grant United States residents certain protections to their privacy, including strict limits on illegal search and seizure. But there's nothing in the Constitution that specifically addresses GPS tracking technology – or many other forms of electronic surveillance.

The Supreme Court and several lower courts issued rulings on GPS in 2012, but those decisions addressed narrow uses of the technology by police and employers, respectively. The courts didn't address the use of GPS tracking devices by private citizens.
At Gateway Investigations, we have conducted hundreds of GPS Tracking Surveillance and GPS Tracking investigations and can provide you with sample final reports showing what you would be getting for your money.
At Gateway Investigations, we have the experience necessary to successfully conclude every GPS Tracking Surveillance investigation, including cases that may require criminal prosecution and coordination with law enforcement officials.
Call or email us for a free consultation at 314-238-1367 or [email protected].