Accident Site Inspections

Did a workplace accident result in a maiming or fatality?
Were you in a motor vehicle accident and are involved in litigation?
Do you need a neighborhood canvass conducted to help you find witnesses to an incident?
Do you need assistance in preparing documents to a law enforcement agency in order to obtain records or photographs?
Is a public agency or law enforcement agency stonewalling you in your pursuit for information?
Gateway Investigations has experience and references as related to all manner of accidents, including Motor Vehicle Accidents, industrial accidents, workplace injury and fatality accidents and our clients include insurers, law firms and private corporations and citizens.
Our highly qualified staff of investigators can promptly respond to an accident scene and provide full scale accident reconstruction photograph and analysis, obtain law enforcement records and photos and conduct neighborhood canvasses for witnesses.
Accident investigations require the skills needed to identify, locate and/or interview witnesses, obtain statements and documents and even secure evidence.
We take great pride in providing and presenting clear and compelling photographic story-board investigative reports and credible testimony.
Complex accident investigations usually require a qualified specialist. The technical knowledge required to recreate a motor vehicle crash, for example, may rely on the analysis of vehicle maintenance records and/or the analyzing of weather conditions and roadway safety.
Gateway Investigations’s staff investigators include a wide range of specialists who possess the technical training and experience necessary to bring accident investigations to a successful conclusion.
And finally, we have the knowledge and resources to assist you in preparing open records requests, Sunshine Law request and/or Freedom of Information Act request to help you obtain law enforcement documents or photographs for any reason, or from any public agency, for that matter.
Call or email us for a free consultation at 314-238-1367 or [email protected]