Insurance Fraud Investigator

- Do you have a need for surveillance to be conducted on a claimant?
- Do you suspect one of your employees is committing insurance fraud?
- Do you need to know if someone is alive and well or collecting benefits when they have no business doing so?
- Is someone you know coordinating a false insurance claim for any reason?
- Do you need a coordinated witness statement, interview and canvass conducted at a workplace or other accident site?
Then you need a fraud investigator from Gateway Investigations
For the last seven years, Gateway Investigations has provided fraud investigators for over 2,000 insurance cases in the St. Louis area related to workmen’s comp surveillance, disability fraud, personal injury, property damage, health insurance fraud and general liability fraud.
Most of these cases involve surveillance assignments and our fraud investigators have obtained pertinent claimant video on an average of 82% of all assignments, a number we can back up with numerous references from adjusters throughout the country.
A fraud investigator searches for fraudulent attempts to collect based on excessive or false claims and Gateway Investigations is experienced in many areas of insurance fraud investigations. Contact us today in St. Louis at 314-238-1367 or email us at [email protected] for more information on our services and to learn about our private investigator fees.
Why You Need a Fraud Investigator

According to the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, an estimated $80 billion is paid out annually in fraudulent insurance claims. This affects every American, as these false insurance claims cost the average household more than $950 each year in higher premiums.
Plus, false insurance claims can mean that you are held liable in a staged accident, which can increase your risk of being sued. An insurance fraud investigator from Gateway Investigations can usually find out if false claims are being submitted or exaggerated.
An insurance fraud investigator is usually called when an adjuster has doubts about the case that they are evaluating - and many turn to Gateway Investigations in St. Louis time and time again. There is big money at stake and you need a qualified fraud investigator on your side to make sure all claims are legitimate and that your liability is limited to only the part that you are responsible to pay.
How Our Fraud Investigators Can Help
In general terms, our insurance fraud investigators determine whether someone has filed a false insurance claim. Gateway Investigations can help in a variety of insurance cases, including:
- Worker’s Compensation Fraud – When a claimant says they’re hurt and you’re seeing red flags, we can find out the truth.
- Subrogation Investigations – There can be many possible parties who are responsible for an accident and the truth is not always easy to see. We have the knowledge and experience to help you determine which party/parties to pursue who may be fully/partially responsible for a particular accident.
- AOE/COE Fraud Investigations – It is imperative that an investigation into an accident be conducted as soon as possible to maximize the quality of evidence in the incident. We are well versed in all areas of investigations inclusive of comprehensive witness interview statements, subrogation investigations, covert surveillance and more.
- Accident Site Inspection – When an accident occurs, it’s imperative to get the facts to determine if claimed damages are accurate, who is at fault and all parties who may be responsible. Our investigators can get you the information you need to know.
- Life Insurance Fraud Investigations – We can investigate suspicious faked deaths, document forging and alive and well checks.
- Auto Insurance Fraud Investigations – Our fraud investigators specialize in staged accidents, helping you in determining whether previous damage existed, investigating exaggerated damages and exaggerated injuries. We have a variety of investigative techniques to help you get the real answers.
Contact a Fraud Investigator in St. Louis Today
If you are ready to uncover the truth, contact Gateway Investigations at 314-238-1367 or email us at [email protected] to schedule a consultation and learn more about our private investigator services available throughout St. Louis and the surrounding areas.